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  • 13:21 UTC (diff) awk1page . . . . pgas Rollback to 2012-03-14 13:10 UTC
  • 13:12 UTC (diff) awk1page . . . . g0pher awk1page
  • 13:10 UTC (diff) awk1page . . . . pgas #: awk1page #: 2012-03-14 04:20:11 #:rod-t_2012 an awk program is a series of pattern { actions } statements; ie if the input line matchs . . .
  • 13:02 UTC (new) awk1page . . . . g0pher #: awk1page #: 2012-03-14 04:20:11 #:rod-t_2012 an awk program is a series of pattern { actions } statements; ie if the input line matchs . . .

