
rough cut - needs edit

3)		awk command line switches/usage
from a win32 cmd.exe prompt:	D:\!\utl > awk95.exe
	usage: awk95.exe [-F fs] [-v var=value] [-f progfile | 'prog'] [file ...]
-version		or --version; print version and exit;  (was -V;
			prints:  awk version 20070501  But is actually 20071023 version)
-			stdin
--			explicit end of args
-safe			see above
-f progfile		next argument is program filename
-f -			read the program from stdin
-F fs			set field separator FS to value of fs
			(nojoy -F "" to set FS to null;  use -v FS="")
-v var=value		-v a=1 to be done NOW.  one -v for each variable
			(\a \v \xhh Not interpreted in value;  use octal \nnn instead)
-d[n]			undocumented -d does debug dump

awk95 "BEGIN {print \"Hello, World!\"}"
	|-	Hello, World!				#: |- indicates output of above
awk95 -v s="Hello, World!" BEGIN{print(s)}
	|-	Hello, World!				#: pgm needs no " since no spaces
awk95 -v s=Hello,\040World! BEGIN{print(s)}
	|-	Hello, World!				#: \040 is octal for space
echo BEGIN {print "Hello, World!"} | awk95 -f -
	|-	Hello, World!				#: read the program from stdin

cmd.exe special:  &  "  ^  %  <  >  |  =

5)		miscellaneous
valid filenames:	/dev/stdin  /dev/stdout  /dev/stderr

array SYMTAB holds values of variables
for(varname in SYMTAB)								\
	if ((varname != "ENVIRON") && (varname != "ARGV")			\
		&& (varname != "SYMTAB") && (varname != "array"))		\
		printf("SYMTAB[%s]=%s\n", varname, SYMTAB[varname])

The `**' and `**=' operators	are valid instead of ^

#:	system() returns errorcode/256
	eg system("%awk% BEGIN{exit(256)})

#:	s|getline; n = close(s); is ok Except when n=-1 then message

#:	regular expression metacharacters:  \ . ^ $ [ ] | + * ? ( )
#:	filenames may Not contain:  \  /  :  *  ?  "  <  >  |
#:	cmd.exe special:  &  "  ^  %  <  >  |  =
#:	start ["title"] [/min|/max] [/low|/high] [/wait] [/b]
#:	ENVIRON[]  -- remember indices are case sensitive

assoc  .awk=awkfile
ftype  awkfile=D:\!\utl\awk95.exe -f "%1" %*

5)		timings

timethis "echo.BEGIN{n=0+n;while(n--);} | %awk% -f - -v n=2e6"
timethis %awk% -v n=2e6 BEGIN{n=0+n;while(n--);}
-v n=2e6 -v s=The\040current\040time\040is:\04012:30:49.80 -v x=xx
for 2e6 ops; MOPS - the ; time subtracted from next

			awk95		nawk		gawk		mawk
;			0.73		1.00		1.37		1.20	
i++;			1.69		1.54		2.32		5.56
i = k;			0.76		0.46		2.77		3.03
i = A[k];		0.37		0.18		0.63		1.80
i = rand();		0.36		0.18		1.82		1.96
i = rand(1);		1.07		0.59		nojoy		nojoy
i = srand(1);		0.89		0.56		0.037		0.96
A[n] = n;		0.037		0.029		0.00091	0.20	
i = index(s,x);	0.60		0.57		0.71		1.01
i = substr(s,32); 	0.35		0.22		0.23		0.90
i = tolower(s);	0.15		0.079		0.088		0.88
i = split(s,A);		0.026		0.019		0.011		0.31