redirection operator

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< The [[greaterthan]] symbol acts as an [[output]] redirection operator allowing output from a [[function]] to be written to a named [[file]]. If the named [[file]] exists, its contents will be overwritten by the [[output]] from the [[function]]:
< {{{
< # Creates a file foobar.txt
< # If the file already exists, its contents will be overwritten
< print "Hello" > foobar.txt
< }
< }}}
< A [[doublebeak]] symbol behaves in a similar manner to the [[greaterthan]] symbol, but instead of the [[file]] being overwritten, the [[output]] from the [[function]] will be appended to the end of the file:
< {{{
< # Append a message to the end of the file foobar.txt
< print "Hello" >> foobar.txt
< }
< }}}


> [[DeletedPage]]
