<toc> == Editing a page == To edit an existing wiki page, click the “Edit this page” link at the bottom of the page. === Formatting === The page is just simple text with some formatting rules, for instance *{{{{}}*foo*{{{}}}* will appear in a **bold** font without the * in the html pages. The rules are added at the bottom of the page when you edit it, you can press the **Preview** Button to see what the page will look like before saving it. In addition to the [[http://www.wikicreole.org|wiki creole]] rules you can: * put <{{{}}}toc{{{}}}> so that a table of content based on the heading is added (not the rendering of the toc in the * use <include pagename> to include the content from another page, this is what is used for the [[Frequently Asked Questions]] for instance * add a language name when using //{////{{// to turn on syntax coloration of the code, for instance //{////{{ awk// or //{////{{ sh// Don't hesitate to edit the pages to see how they are written. And Feel free to try on the SandBox. Don't be afraid, all the changes can be undone anyway. {{http://awk.freeshell.org/img/creole_cheat_sheet.png|wikicreole summary}} === Summary And Minor Edit === The summary is a line that will appear on the RecentChanges page use minor edit when you are fixing minor typos this avoid to clutter the recent changes page. === Username === Your choosen username, there is no registration required just type a name, the name will appear as a link on the RecentChanges page you can use this link to create a [[UserPages|UserPage]]. It allows anyone to use your username, but in practice only rare vicious spammer steal usernames == Create A New Page == Either edit a existing page and add a link to your page **[[{{{}}}My{{{}}}New{{{}}}Page{{{}}}]]** this will create a link that allows you to edit it or just type the url adding the new name: **http:/{{{}}}/awk.freeshell.org/My{{{}}}New{{{}}}Page**
This change is a minor edit.